Knowing whether someone is interested in knowing you is not easy. It’s good to learn how to recognize the subtle indicators of a person who wants to know you. Examining a person’s verbal and nonverbal cues, as well as their conduct, will help you determine if they are interested.
Signs that indicate that someone is interested in getting to know you include random communication throughout the day, maintaining eye contact longer than usual, tender touch, and spending time with you. If most of their texts end with a question, know that they want to know you more. Some come out straight and share their emotions.
The following signs can help you recognize if a person wants to know you.
Their Texts Often Conclude With a Question
It’s a sure sign they want to keep in touch with you if they close their messages to you with a question, no matter how trivial, for example, “What did you have for lunch?”. This is an attempt to engage you by continuing a conversation because they wish to retain a connection.
They Strive to Win You Over
If you have been taken to trendy bars and posh restaurants, be sure they are trying to impress you. It’s not bragging. They are trying to win you over if they take the initiative by organizing enjoyable and exciting activities for the two of you.
They Communicate at Random times Throughout the Day
Texting is frequently done for purely practical reasons or occasionally out of duty. When someone contacts you infrequently, it demonstrates that they think about you.
They Convey Their Emotions to You
This may seem like common knowledge. However, some individuals will genuinely come right out and say they like you.
They Make Extra Effort To Spend Time With You
If they try to say hello or speak with you every time you bump into each other, this may be a sign that they are interested. Keep an eye out for the person making justifications for getting near you.
They Tenderly Touch You
As you speak, someone interested in you might feel your hand or arm, or as they approach from behind, they might touch the small of your back.
Touching you is a technique to approach you and express interest. There’s a high likelihood they are interested in knowing you more, especially if they make eye contact and smile while touching you.
You Discuss Uninteresting Topics
It may seem odd or uninteresting to receive texts like “I just got back from the park” or “Had a tough day at work,” but it’s a strong indication that the person is interested in you and wants to talk to you about anything as a way of getting to know you.
Take Note of How Fast They Reply to You
Someone interested in knowing you won’t take a week before returning your call or text. Typically, when you are a priority to someone, they will reply fast to express their attention. When asked to spend time together, they will probably respond without hesitation.
For instance, if you extend an invitation to hang out, the other person won’t hesitate or need additional time to consider it. They’ll probably be eager to accept.
They Remember the “Little Things”
If someone recalls what you said, even briefly, and revisits it in the future, they are probably interested. They have paid attention to what you have said and want to remember it. Your brain will give you room to remember details that are significant to you.
They Maintain Eye Contact Longer
Looking into someone’s eyes might reveal a lot about them. Someone who establishes eye contact with you for a little longer than usual or looks into your eyes could be showing interest. See if they look at you more than once and whether they smile when you lock eyes.
How to Get to Know Someone You Like
Here are some surefire tips on how to get to know someone you’re interested in.
Pose Sincere Questions
In the stages of getting to know someone, questions do have a function. You would likely find communicating difficult if you didn’t ask any questions. However, it’s crucial to be sure that your questions reflect your genuine interest in knowing them.
Pay Attention to Their Responses
You can’t merely ask someone questions and ignore their responses if you want to get to know them.
You can demonstrate to someone that you genuinely care about what they have to say by using active listening techniques such as making eye contact, nodding, and emphasizing their points. Active listening entails engaging in the discourse even when you are not speaking.
Pay Attention to Their Reactions
How someone physically reacts to a question can teach you a lot. If they appear enthusiastic, you’ve probably chosen a decent subject. If they make a cursory response, shrug off the topic, or turn their body away, they might not be very interested.
You will communicate more effectively if you gauge a person’s degree of interest. If they anticipate more inquiries on subjects they don’t honestly care about, they can be less interested in speaking with you.
Describe Yourself
You shouldn’t have one-sided conversations. A friendship won’t last long if the other person doesn’t get to know you as well. Attempt to share information about yourself along with the questions you ask. You can casually disclose personal information by responding to what they ask during a conversation.
Sharing personal information can put some individuals at ease because they could feel awkward if they don’t know much about the person they’re speaking to.
Minimize Compliments
You don’t want to overdo it, even though it might seem a great way to win someone over. This might be unsettling because it frequently comes out as fake. Additionally, it often causes discomfort in others.
Make compliments sincere and meaningful as a general rule. A genuine compliment might help spark a conversation that offers a chance to learn more about the other person.
Be Truthful
It could seem harmless to distort the truth to connect with someone. But building trust is a crucial first step in getting to know someone. They could worry about what else you’ve overstated or if your friendship is built on a lie when they discover the truth.
Making a connection doesn’t always require that you share the same interests. Areas of similarity develop naturally. You can later introduce each other to your shared passions if they don’t.
Consider Their Clues When Making Plans
Utilizing information from your chat or clues from their environment might be helpful when planning with new people. Coffee is the first thing that comes to mind but making a unique plan demonstrates that you have been paying attention.
That might make someone more at ease around you. For instance, you can recommend visiting a dog park if you both own dogs. You can also learn what to steer clear of by using conversational cues.
Show Some Vulnerability
Your approach shouldn’t be unilateral if you want to get to know someone better. How can you expect others to share personal information if you aren’t willing to do so? Usually, before someone feels at ease around you, you have to exhibit some level of vulnerability.
Final Thoughts
Be on the lookout for the above signs to find out if that person is interested in knowing you. Sometimes it might be outrightly clear, but other times it takes a keen eye to notice.
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