The sum of your actions determines your fate in the future: that’s Karma. Karma creates memories and wants, and they govern how you live.
But how does Karma work? The Karmic software that runs your existence comprises actions, memories, and desires. Your actions create subtle energy, stored in memories and wishes, and sometimes awakened instantly, but more often later.
Read on to find out whether it works, how long it takes, and whether it works on cheaters.
How to Influence Karma
The quality of your actions influences your Karma in different ways. Some of the ways you can increase the quality of your efforts and influence karma include:
Have Gratitude
You should know that everything happens to you as part of Karma being fulfilled. Express gratitude for everything happening in your life and let Karma take its course.
Follow Astrology
Astrologers can look at your astrological chart and interpret how Karma plays out in your life. Astrology provides the necessary insight to allow you to make changes and avoid danger.
Practice Forgiveness
This is a crucial component of your spiritual development. Accept what has happened. Then, without passing judgment or making an assessment, try to comprehend why it occurred.
Finally, find it in your heart to forgive anybody you believe has wronged you. The person’s forgiveness is always possible, even if the deed is not.
Meditation is a potent tool for your spirituality. When you journey from activity to silence, you go beyond Karma’s range into infinite possibilities. As you practice more and live that life of endless possibilities, you get realigned with dharma to realize your life’s true purpose. Dharma washes Karma on all levels.
The way to escape the Karmic prison you’ve built for yourself is to stay committed to your spiritual path.
Make Conscious Decisions
Making good decisions can reduce the severity of situations brought about by Karma. Karma’s energy must be returned, but that can happen in a transmuted form.
For instance, instead of falling and breaking your leg, you stub your toe. Karma was returned, but your life’s choices decreased the impact.
12 Laws of Karma
The following 12 laws of Karma will shed more light on how Karma works:
1. The Law of Cause and Effect
According to the great law, whatever energy you put out comes back, whether good or bad. You must embody what you desire to obtain it. Same concept as you reap what you sow.
2. The Law of Creation
The law of creation emphasizes the fact that life does not just happen. You need to act, not just wait for things to happen. You also need to ask yourself how you can put your skillset to use and benefit others.
Based on your objectives, you are a co-creator of what you want.
3. The Law of Humility
The law of humility is anchored on the principle that you must be humble enough to accept the current reality from your past actions.
4. The Law of Growth
The law of growth talks about things you don’t have control over. Change begins with you. Shift the focus to yourself and stop trying to control things or people.
5. The Law of Responsibility
It’s a perfect reminder that you own what happens in your life. This prevents you from looking outside yourself to identify the source of your troubles.
Aptly put, you are a product of your choices.
6. The Law of Connection
This law highlights the connection between the past, the present, and the future of your life. Who you become tomorrow is a result of what you do today.
7. The Law of Focus
This law encourages you to focus on one thing at a time. Concentrate on a single item at a time to avoid frustrations and negativity.
8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality
This law emphasizes the importance of giving to a cause you believe in. It also helps you reflect on your beliefs.
9. The Law of Here and Now
It encourages you to embrace the present and let go of the past. If you want peace of mind, focus on the present only. Tap into your senses and say, “I’m here.”
10. The Law of Change
This principle states that history will keep repeating itself until you learn from it and break the cycle.
Change accords you a chance to create a new, better version of yourself.
11. The Law of Patience and Reward
Consistency and patience in your goals will lead to great rewards.
12. The Law of Significance and Inspiration
We all have a role to perform in this world and something to give. What we share may seem insignificant at times, but it can make a huge difference in another person’s life.
How Does Karma Work in Buddhism
In Buddhism, Karma’s implications go beyond this life. Buddhists believe that actions from your previous life follow you to the next life and can cause bad luck.
They also believe that Karma determines where you will be reborn and your status in the next life.
Good Karma can lead you to be reborn in heavenly realms, while bad Karma can subject you to torment or being reborn as an animal.
You might be tempted to ask, does Karma work in relationships? The answer is yes, Karma is very active in every aspect of your connection at work, in the family, and even in your romantic relationships.
Why does Karma take so long? Well, Karma does not have a specific timeframe, and nor does it have an expiry date. It can strike instantly or take ten years.
Does Karma work on cheaters? If your spouse cheats on you, be rest assured that Karma will make them pay for their actions.
Bottom Line
Everyone is subjected to Karma. According to the law of Karma, every positive action generates merit, and very negative actions create a demerit.
Karma is a concept that teaches you how to spend your life so that you may turn out to be the best version of yourself.
When you use Karma as a set of standards in your life, you become more aware of your thoughts, acts, and deeds.