Becoming fit and having toned muscles requires more than regular visits to the gym. It would help if you also had a diet rich in nutrients such as iron and other minerals essential for muscle building. These nutrients not only help in defining your muscles but can also support weight loss, resulting in a more toned physique.
Here are ten foods you should include in your diet if you want more defined muscles.
1) Bananas
It is essential to grab a bite to eat before your workout session. Studies show that doing so can help you work out longer and improve your workout performance. One food that can become your pre-workout (or even post-workout) snack is a banana. These offer a great source of energy because of their glucose content. Bananas also contain potassium, which prevents your muscles from cramps during lean workout sessions.
You can enjoy bananas on their own, turn them into a smoothie, or even eat one along with your oats.
2) Papaya
Did you know that stress can cancel out all your workout effort? This is because stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that makes the body store fat around your belly area. However, you can prevent your ab training from going down the drain by consuming foods rich in vitamin C, like papayas, which can lower cortisol levels even during stressful situations.
If you aren’t a fan of papayas, you can mix them with other fruits in a smoothie or fruit salad. Get your daily intake of vitamin C with this yummy fruit.
3) Greek Yogurt
Some foods are ideal fuel for working out. One of these is Greek yogurt. This creamy, tangy superfood is rich in nutrients essential for muscle building, such as proteins, vitamin D, and calcium. Vitamin D, for example, aids in your body’s protein synthesis by strengthening your bones.
To get the most out of Greek yogurt, you’ll have to go for the plain, full-fat variety and not those with added fruits and sugar.
4) Mushrooms
Another vitamin essential for muscle building is Vitamin D, which can be found in dairy products and vegetables such as mushrooms. Research suggests that men and women who have high vitamin D levels have stronger and more defined muscles. If you’re a fan of mushrooms, you’re lucky as this vegetable is rich in vitamin D.
If you want to get the most vitamin D from mushrooms, you should try Maitake, Chanterelle, morel, and shiitake. Sauté or grill and enjoy with your favorite source of carbohydrates.
5) Kale
Kale is a muscle-building superfood. This leafy vegetable contains a multitude of nutrients that support muscle development. For example, kale is rich in iron which aids in oxygen circulation to the muscles. The iron in kale also helps in muscle synthesis and repair so that your muscles aren’t so sore after your workouts.
People enjoy kale as a salad base, mixed with proteins such as chicken and almonds. You can also sauté your kale with garlic and lemon.
6) Spinach
Like kale, spinach is one vegetable you shouldn’t skip when building muscle. This leafy vegetable is also rich in iron, which helps define your muscles and enhance your endurance when working out. Spinach is also rich in magnesium, which helps in muscle development and the production of energy and metabolism of your body’s carbohydrates.
Spinach is an excellent addition to your salad, or you can include it in your fruit smoothies.
7) Berries
It is common for increased exercise to cause muscle inflammation. This can be painful and interfere with your everyday life. You can avoid this inflammation by eating the right foods. One such food is berries. From raspberries to blackberries and blueberries, these delectable fruits contain antioxidants that can prevent your muscles from inflaming.
Enjoy your berries by including them in your fruit salads, smoothies, or Greek yogurt. Juicy berries also make a great snack by themselves.
8) Avocados
Avocados aren’t used solely for guacamole anymore. Many people have discovered that avocados can be used for savory and sweet dishes. When you’re working out, it’s essential to eat food rich in healthy fat, which avocados contain. In addition to healthy fat, avocados contain potassium which helps in reducing belly fat.
You can incorporate avocados into your diet by adding them to your toast or salad. If you’re a fan of healthy desserts, you can make your version of avocado ice cream at home.
9) Almonds
Your pre-workout snack should help improve your endurance and provide you with plenty of energy. You can add almonds to your pre-workout snacks along with bananas. These nuts are rich in magnesium which helps increase stamina when working out. Almonds also have L-arginine, an amino acid essential in building muscles and burning fat.
Specialists recommend eating no more than twenty of these nuts at a time. According to research, going over 20 almonds in one sitting will lead to your body storing fat, not building muscle. Enjoy these crunchy nuts with other fruits, or add them to your berries and yogurt.
10) Beef
Meat is the primary source of protein for many people. For example, beef helps increase our body’s muscle mass through protein absorption with the amino acid creatine. Beef is also rich in iron and magnesium, minerals beneficial when building muscle.
To make the most of your beef, make sure that you consume grass-fed meat. You can eat it in the form of a burger, steak, or even stir-fry it with some vegetables.
Step up your food game
Achieve defined muscles by going beyond just working out. Plan and stick to a diet that provides enough nutrients for muscle building and your body’s overall health. Your meals and snacks must be satisfying enough to sustain your body through intense exercise and help rebuild and heal your body after workouts. Step up your diet and see the results in your defined muscles.