Naturally, situations can get boring sometimes after being with your partner for a long time. It cools off, no matter how great your relationship is and how much you love your partner. Laughter and fun keep you happy in your relationship.
Your daily routines and responsibilities like work, social life, and self-care can put fun and excitement at bay in your relationship life. You can put some extra effort into getting back the sparkle and create a funny relationship over again.
To create a funny relationship, you should find what makes you happy, date each other again, travel together, know each other’s language, and be honest with each other. Some other things you can do to strengthen your relationship include showing affection, checking-in regularly, and saying thank you. Scientific studies have found that the power of love has a direct impact on your physical health by boosting your immune system.
1. Find Out What Makes You Happy
Doing activities that make you happy is a great way to spend time with your partner. Show love and care to your significant other and pay attention to how they feel. Do what makes them smile to maintain a funny relationship.
2. Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone
You can plan awesome activities together and try them out. They should be new activities you’ve never done or don’t normally do. It may be skydiving, walking on hot coal, or rock climbing. Take risks, go beyond the boundaries of your comfort and create fun with these activities.
3. Be Open And Honest With Each Other
Honesty and openness make you comfortable in a relationship. You can have a question and answer session with your partner while relaxing or listening to music. Share your goals, dreams, and desires, and create plans on how you will achieve them.
You can spice it up by talking about moments that trigger fun and asking funny relationship questions that tickle you to laughter.
4. Know Each Other’s Love Language
Take a step to know and understand each other more to help you avoid arguments and frustrations. Identify what your partner cherishes and do what aligns with it. Learning these love languages promotes freedom and creates a funny relationship between you.
5. Date Each Other Again
Rekindle your old days when it all started. Recreate your favorite moments where you would call or text each other frequently, tease, or even watch the sunset together. Do that again and add more vibe to enhance the fun.
6. Travel Together
You can plan an adventure and explore places. It doesn’t have to be a trip outside the city. Weekend getaways can do. Changing your environment enhances your emotional responses, triggering fun to keep you away from boredom.
7. Make Decisions For Each Other
Decision-making can be very exhausting sometimes. Take turns to decide the little things that keep the day going. It could be what to wear, what meals to eat, when to have a rest, or when to go to bed at night. Set rules for these decisions and have fun.
8. Go For Dinner, Movies, And Shows
Basic dinners and random movies can be fun. You can try out a restaurant you’ve never been to, then watch a comedy show or an exciting film.
9. Visit The Spar
You can treat yourself to a couple’s massage, manicure, or pedicure to keep your relationship light and fun.
10. Cultivate Inner Jokes
You can come up with humorous words or unique names for each other. Giggling over a joke with your partner and laughing over it helps you bond and have fun.
11. Play Games
Unwind your childish nature and engage yourself in activities you were once a kid. Play paintball, roller skating, have a water balloon, or water gun play. Such games bring back the old memories, and doing them with your partner makes it more fun.
12. Sing And Dance Together
You can try out karaoke. Play some audio or old records and sing along. Visit the dance halls and try out some moves together.
13. Cook Together
The saying ‘a couple that cooks together, stays together’ can drive you to new cooking techniques. You can try out new recipes, cook your meals together and enjoy.
14. Go For Rides
Rides can be therapeutic. You can hire a bicycle or a convertible and enjoy the long rides to the park or uphill.
15. Surprise Each Other More
Doing the same things over again can be tedious. To make it fun, sparkle it up by surprising your partner with new lingerie, a dinner date, or chocolates.
16. Flirt More
Flirting opens your world of anticipation and ignites romance that strengthens your bond and intimacy. You can send each other sexy texts, kiss often, and compliment each other randomly.
17. Goof Off
It is enjoyable to be goofy with each other. You become more comfortable when you reach a specific and stable point with your partner. Unleash your playful nature, act like idiots and permit yourself to be silly. Don’t be shy to be a “weirdo” to your partner. They will find it hilarious, and you’ll both find it fun.
18. Spice Things Up In The Bedroom
Sexual intimacy makes your bond stronger. Take turns to find new romantic activities to keep your sex life alive.
19. Get Back To Memory
Review your life together periodically. Look into the old photo albums, videos, recordings, and the places you’ve been to.
20. Exercise
Exercise improves your health and enhances your sex life. A walk together, a morning run, or exercise gardening is fun and makes you spend more time together.
Things You Can do to Strengthen Your Relationship
The following things can help strengthen your relationship.
Check-in Regularly
Although scheduling may not appear sexy and spontaneous, ensuring that you check in with each other regularly will help keep your relationship strong. Checking in means fewer fights, more conversation, and a better connection.
It’s easy to let anger build up until it becomes a full-blown argument. After all, a relationship is nothing more than two people seeking to meet each other’s wants. Use a check-in to talk about any recent triggers, issues, and things that deserve to be acknowledged.
Say Thank You
You can feel so comfortable in a relationship that you expect your spouse to meet all your wants, especially in long-term partnerships that have settled into routines. Saying a simple “thank you” for doing the dishes after dinner or complimenting them reinforces their positive conduct and makes them feel appreciated. It’s also crucial to express gratitude for their presence in your life and how much they mean to you, rather than just what they do for you.
Show Affection
You can show your affection by unexpectedly holding your partner’s hand or retiring to bed together. In long-term partnerships, physical touch goes a long way toward maintaining romance and intimacy. In addition to your greetings and goodbyes, surprise them with a hug, hold their hand in the car or while watching TV, or simply pat them on the arm to make them feel close. Physical intimacy can lead to emotional intimacy.
Become Good Friends
Any good relationship must have a strong foundation of friendship. Strive to treat your spouse with the same respect, admiration, and kindness that you would a good friend. Support one another, listen to one another, and laugh with one another. Allowing yourself to be nasty or disrespectful is not an option.
Fight Responsibly
Disagreements and conflicts are unavoidable. How you fight is more important than whether you fight. Keep arguments to a minimum when they arise. It shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes. It gets ugly and repetitive after ten minutes. Also, keep your debate focused on the problem rather than bringing up issues from the previous week or month.
Attend a Class
If you think professional help for your relationship would be beneficial to your relationship, you can take a communication skills class together, attend a loving-kindness conference, or read a relationship-building book together. Your efforts are likely to elicit essential conversations about your relationship and, in the end, strengthen it.
Celebrate One Another
Make it a regular habit to say something nice and romantic to your mate. Your relationship will be nourished by the expressing of loving sentiments, which will help you both recall what you value in each other. Make your partner aware of how much you value them and lavish them with compliments.
Closing Thoughts
A happy and funny relationship gives you freedom and comfort. You should celebrate your relationship and find opportunities to be playful, even with mundane tasks. Celebrate each other, laugh together. Enjoy every moment with your partner and create memories together.