Breakups can be a rollercoaster of emotions, mainly because you’re grappling with the loss of someone who was once a significant part of your life. In the aftermath, you might find yourself searching for subtle hints that your ex might want to rekindle the relationship. But let’s face it, deciphering these signs is no walk in the park.
However, there are some clear signs that your ex is interested in having you back. For instance, their body language will be responsive, they will call you more, and they will get excited when they see you.
There are other ways of telling if your ex wants you back. Keep reading to discover more signs that show your ex wants to make you part of their life again.
Signs Your Ex Wants You Back
If your ex truly wants you back, they will act like someone who wants to date you. Here are some ways of analyzing whether an ex has intentions of reconciling.
They Communicate More Often
It’s a common reaction to need some space and time to heal after a breakup. Most choose to go no-contact as they process the situation. So, if your ex breaks this silence and starts contacting you frequently, it could signify their desire to reconnect. It also means they are concerned about your life and still have feelings for you.
They Include You In Future Plans
If they strike up discussions about the future with you in it, it indicates they may be considering getting back together. They might mention making long-term goals or showing intentions of building a future together.
They Show Remorse
They clearly want another opportunity at a relationship with you if they acknowledge the mistakes they made in your relationship and then point out how they’ve changed. They even talk candidly about their emotions, regrets, and previous transgressions. They are attempting to reassure you that things will be different this time since they understand that you will be apprehensive about getting back together.
They Show Signs of Jealousy
If you mention other people you’re dating or interested in and they become jealous, they want you back. This also means they are worried about losing you to someone else and still care deeply about you.
They Improve Themselves and Share The Progress with You
It’s a positive indication that your ex wants to get back together if they are making an effort to change the things in their life that might have caused the breakup.
Say, for instance, that during your dating relationship, they were consistently late for everything, and as a result, you felt ignored. Your ex may become extremely punctual anytime they do anything with you if they are waiting for you to return, as a way of telling you that things will get better if you grant them another chance.
They Reminisce About Your Time Together
If they constantly bring up pleasant recollections from your previous relationship, such as your first date together or a memorable vacation, they really miss you. They may bring up topics that make them think of you. For instance, they might mention your favorite restaurant or make remarks such as “It felt so right to be with you.”
They Ask Mutual Friends About You
If they keep asking your friends about you and whether you’re seeing someone, then they are thinking about you. Mutual friends can share information on whether they’ve been asking about your well-being.
They Ask You to be Friends
If they come right out and say they’d like to be friends again, they might still feel something for you and want to be involved in your life. Friendship is a subtle way of edging closer to you, hoping to win you over again.
They Communicate Directly
They come straight out and tell you how much they miss you, how much they regret the breakup, and how much they want to try again. Direct communication is the most straightforward way of showing intentions to get back together.
They are Still Single
If it’s been months after the breakup, but they are still single, they don’t want to date someone else. They might even try to flirt with you by hinting that they’re single to see how you would respond. That’s a clear sign that they want you back.
They are Curious to Know if You’re Dating
An ex who deliberately inquires if you’re seeing someone or plan to start dating wants to know if they stand a chance with you. This mostly happens if they are also still single.
Things to Consider Before Giving an Ex a Second Chance
You might be wondering whether you should get back with your ex. Now that you know the signs that an ex wants you back, here are some questions you must ask yourself before giving them a second chance.
Have They Changed?
Reuniting with your ex can undo all the hard work you’ve done to repair your emotional wounds if they lack emotional maturity or behave in ways that caused the breakup in the first place. It’s, therefore, crucial to be sure that your ex has accepted their mistakes and changed their ways.
Have They Taken Responsibility for Their Actions?
It is crucial to find out if they own up to their mistakes and sincerely apologize. You don’t want to become entangled in an emotional manipulation cycle with someone who dismisses your feelings or acts as though you are being dramatic out of nowhere. Taking responsibility fosters trust and dependability.
Can You Forgive Them?
Before giving your ex a second chance, you must decide if you will forgive their wrongdoings. It’s critical to keep in mind that forgiveness does not absolve the transgressor of responsibility or excuse their actions.
Does Your Family and Friends Support Your Decision?
The opinion of family and friends who genuinely care about you also matters. They might think a reconciliation would be worthwhile because they have seen positive improvements in your ex. If their opinion is contrary, take some time to think it through.
Final Thoughts
When analyzing these indicators, consider the sincerity and consistency of your ex’s actions and behavior. Evaluating the signs will enable you to make a better-informed decision about whether rekindling the romance is a good idea.