Organic foods are grown without synthetic chemicals such as artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Organic products include vegetables, grains, fruits, dairy products, and meat. Organic farming protects the environment while working in harmony with existing ecosystems.
Organic food is healthy because it’s free of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or preservatives. As a result of realizing the need for healthy self-improvement, the decision to eat organic foods is now becoming more and more popular. Organic foods are produced under strict production guidelines that enhance the safety of the environment.
Is Organic Food More Nutritious?
Organic foods have high levels of nutrients and lower pesticides, among other health benefits. They help reduce public health risks and are rich in nutrients: iron, magnesium, vitamin C, and phosphorus.
You may argue that sometimes it’s hard to ascertain the health benefits of a particular food. However, research has shown that organic whole milk is rich in a higher concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to the heart.
Are organic foods safer to consume than non-organic foods? The answer is yes. We go for organic foods in the grocery aisle because organic foods are free of heavy metals and pesticides.
They have no antibiotics or synthetic hormones, saving you from antibiotic resistance or increased cancer risk.
Top 10 Organic Foods
Soil Association- the organization that certifies and promotes organic farming in the UK- recorded that 2021 saw organic sales increase by 13%. We all need organic foods.
So, next time you go grocery shopping, have a look at this list of top organic fruits and veggies you need to be eating:
1. Apples
Apples are the most heavily sprayed by pesticides. It’s, therefore, a great idea to switch to organic as soon as possible.
2. Strawberries
Strawberries are loved, delicate, and often prone to fungi attacks. If you can’t find them in fresh organic forms, consider frozen ones.
3. Cherry tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes are an excellent source of lycopene that protects you against prostate cancer and osteoporosis.
4. Celery
Celery is part of the dirty dozen list, and choosing organic celery is a good idea.
5. Cucumbers
Avoid pesticide residues by choosing organic cucumbers.
6. White potatoes
With a likelihood of 35% of pesticide residue, it can only be safe to eat organic white potatoes.
7. Spinach
Green leafy vegetables contain vitamins A, K, and Iron. Since it’s often sprayed, consume it in its organic form.
8. Imported snap peas
Get more Vitamin C and fiber by switching to organic imported peas.
9. Grapes
Grapes are sweet. Unfortunately, pesticide residue is also high; hence, you need them in their organic forms.
10. Kales
Kales contain about 55% pesticide residue; hence it’s worth making the switch.
Differences Between Conventional and Organic Farming
Organic farming differs from conventional farming in many ways, from land and seed preparation to tending to the crops when they sprout. Let’s look at the main differences.
Land Preparation
In conventional farming, the farmer must use harsh chemicals to fumigate his farm before seeds are sowed to eradicate any naturally occurring fungicides. He will apply petroleum-based fertilizers to the soil.
On the other hand, the organic farmer will enrich and prepare his field before sowing by scattering natural fertilizers like manure, bone meal, or oyster fertilizer.
Planting Seeds
The conventional farmer soaks seeds in fungicides and pesticides before planting to keep pests away. Chemicals are also added to the irrigation water.
On the other hand, the organic farmer won’t soak their seeds in pesticides or use chemicals in irrigation water. He won’t even use council water for irrigation, which is often chlorinated to kill microorganisms. They harvest and store natural rainwater for use during the dry season.
Conventional farmers use weedicides to eradicate weeds once the seeds sprout. This is not an option for organic farmers. They physically weed out their farms or use flame weeders to exterminate weeds.
It goes without saying that anyone who consumes products from conventional farmers will absorb pesticide residues, increasing the risk of contracting deadly diseases like cancer.
People are choosing organic foods in unprecedented numbers today because they recognize how important their health is to them.
Why Consuming Organic Foods is Healthier
Studies have shown that organic foods are far superior to conventional foods in terms of nutritional value. The following are reasons why you should switch to organic foods if you haven’t already.
Better Health
Since organic foods don’t contain harmful substances, it’s safe for human health. Organic food production entails the use of natural techniques to produce safer and healthier end food products. For instance, they use green manure to fertilize land and crop rotation to control pests.
Furthermore, consuming healthy food simply results in healthy individuals and better nutrition for a higher quality of life for both humans and animals.
Better Tasting Foods
Organic foods taste good in addition to being nutritious since the crops are allowed more time to grow and mature. The enhanced flavor of organic food products is proven to be due to the adoption of environmentally friendly methods of agricultural production. It is sometimes said that fruits and vegetables grown organically taste better than those grown commercially.
Highly Nutritious Food
Organic foods such as milk, fish, and meat have higher nutritional value compared to conventional products. They are given ample time to mature and the ideal natural circumstances for growth, which contributes to their excellent nutritional value. Organic food items always have high vitamin and mineral levels because healthy soil provides the best means for crops to acquire soil minerals.
You’re Sure of Consuming Fresh Food
Organic food is produced, processed, and prepared in accordance with very high regulations. Chemical preservatives will never be present in organic foods. As a result, because organic food doesn’t employ preservatives to extend its shelf life, it is usually fresher and more flavorful. Most organic foods are sold near where they’re produced.
Consumption of organic foods has risen steadily worldwide. As online orders and home deliveries grow into a norm for most households, the organic sector is also likely to grow exponentially. A report has indicated that people have resolved to consume organic foods because they assure transparency, integrity, and quality.