The human being is made up of body, soul, and spirit. To have an extraordinary lifestyle and fulfill its purpose, one must give absolute attention to each part. To neglect our core, it’s like a corpse walking without life.
In this article, you will discover what spirituality is, different people’s views on spirituality, how to identify your spirituality while recognizing its benefits so that you can pursue an extraordinary lifestyle. Finally, the tips and recommendations given below should assist and catapult you in achieving your full potential in becoming that remarkable person you are created to be. You will be amazed and enlightened by the facts – how spirituality can make a significant impact on your life.
What Is Spirituality
Spirituality is being more anxious about the human spirit rather than the physical. It’s like arriving on one’s journey in life, and you become connected, switched on to a higher being. In other words, it is linked to the spirit world. It is essential to establish that spirituality is a pursuit for God or higher beings than oneself.
Spirituality can be demonstrated by praying. Praying can take on many forms. Prayer is making a request or thanksgiving to a deity. So, for anyone to achieve this extraordinary lifestyle, they must be prepared to ask for wisdom, keep an open heart and adapt a willingness to accept that they are a significant part and plan of the world we call earth.
Spirituality means living selflessly. For example, that person will offer selfless love, time, wisdom, finances, support in-order to improve other people’s quality of life without seeking a reward. Another example of spirituality is, showing compassion to those ignorant of life after death Spirituality can be expressed as having a light switched on, which can help pave the paths ahead clearly. Once you’re able to see, only then can you enlighten others as followers. The tragedy is anyone following a person whose heart is closed and hardened spiritually may also stumble and fall in life’s potholes because the blind cannot lead the blind. So the more spiritual you become, the clearer your vision and goals.
Spiritually is a process. It’s a gradual change that eventually enables you to become the extraordinary person you are designed to be. You would not see a newborn baby stand up and walk after a few weeks. This takes time. Nor would you expect to be spiritually matured overnight. This, too, is a process. One’s spirituality needs to develop, grow and go through stages and challenges similarly as a baby for their development.
Spirituality is often linked with adversities and challenges in life. These setbacks can often propel us forward because we need a higher power to survive. We either swamp ourselves or swim our way out when difficulties arise. It is, by fighting back, tapping into your spirituality, calling on the higher power for wisdom/ help, that you will develop, grow and become extraordinary – you will increase your ability to listen and hear clearly in the spirit world.
Different Peoples Views On Spirituality
Views can vary considerably. Still, there runs a commonality across the board, such as prayer, meditation, attending a spiritual or religious service, fasting, connecting with nature, yoga practices, and more.
For different people, spirituality is a way of seeking something/someone greater than linking everyone together and the world we live in. For them, it’s about finding the reasons for our existence, the purpose of life, understanding our cosmos, and how we can survive and stay connected to each other in the human race.
In every nation, there are different views on spirituality. It’s important to remind ourselves that our beliefs are based on different types of spirituality, ranging from secular approaches, traditions, and religious influences. For instance, Sikhism, New-age Spirituality, Islam, Humanism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Indigenous practices, African spiritual practices, and Satanic practices.
Whatever your views are on spirituality, continue to explore and move towards perfecting this. You can fill a wheelbarrow, but it will still be stationery unless you push it forward. So be willing to go ahead. Ask questions, be curious by seeking the meaning to your existence and purpose in this life. By doing this, you’ll live extraordinarily.
What Is Spiritual Self?
To identify your spiritual self, You will have to read books on the subject. You can research how best to combine alternative methods/ways of spirituality in your life. Taking action should assist you in assessing your level of spirituality.
Acknowledging and affirming your values and beliefs will enable you to identify your spirituality
It is recommended to keep a journal to monitor your spiritual progress. This may include regular self-awareness checks and practices such as duration of meditations, prayer times, yoga, and times given to spiritual groups.
Other ways to identify your spirituality can be realized through a spiritual and respected leader who knows you and can give positive feedback on your progress. Another way to keep track of spiritual growth is to utilize all critical feedback into positive outcomes that should demonstrate the extraordinary person you are becoming.
Assessing and identifying your spirituality is an ongoing process. When I stop monitoring myself, am unwilling to make amends, remain unreachable and unteachable, I believe I will cease to make progress and maintain an extraordinary lifestyle.
An extraordinary lifestyle should be balanced. You can identify your spirituality by equality to body, soul, and spirit. One part should not outweigh the other parts of the human being. For instance, if my secular duties dominated, I may need to make adjustments and reprioritize to maintain consistency in my spirituality and as a whole.
How Can I Benefit From Being Spiritual
Benefits from spirituality can sometimes bring families/friends and communities together. It has the power to create and promote long-lasting relationships and a sense of belonging. Spirituality can increase social interaction skills.
Spirituality is beneficial in the reduction of stress. Prolonged stress can damage you mentally and physically.
You can benefit from being spiritual. Studies reveal how there is also a reduction in human blood pressure. High blood pressure is when the tension in your blood vessels becomes unusually high. This can be serious if left undetected. Medically, this should be treated, but spirituality can help reduce the risk of high pressures. For instance, practicing deep-breathing exercises, praying, meditating, etc., will bring you ‘ peace.’ Peace is freedom from disturbances, and it is tranquillity. Just keep tapping into your spirituality and experience peace at a new level.
Reduced rates of anxiety are another benefit of spirituality. We all feel anxious at times; in these moments, the spiritual person will release a ‘peace of mind’ that helps diffuse anxieties.
The benefit of spirituality is increased longevity. This is confirmed in (Romans: 8v6), which states, “To be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Research shows that people who generally live a spiritual or religious lifestyle often outlive those who do not. Spirituality then can propel you to achieve an extraordinary lifestyle even when you are old.
Spirituality has the overall benefit of improving one’s mental well-being. Why? Because you may feel a higher sense of hope, peace, love, purpose, and meaning in life. As a result, you can better demonstrate self-control confidence and have higher self-esteem knowing who you are and the extraordinary person you are becoming.
Spirituality assists one to realize their significance in this universe and gives assurance of the possibility of life after death. The benefits of a curious spirit attract others spiritually.
8 Ways To Strengthen Your Spirituality
Find a quiet place to relax. Relax, and if possible, alone. This will help you to block out distractions and assist in focusing.
Try to begin your day with meditation, even if it’s only for 60 seconds. Think on “whatsoever is pure, honest, holy, good reports, wholesome, true, lovely and right,” instructs (Philippians: 4v8). However, it is possible to meditate evil and wrongdoings in this time of meditation. Guard your mind.
Spiritual Tools & Resources
Reading spiritual resources can enlighten and encourage you as you seek to maintain your spirituality. You don’t have to read large chunks of these resources every time. Take bite-size verses just before meditation like (psalm: 5v1). This can have a remarkable impact spiritually.
Practice thankfulness even when the tide is against you. Show gratitude for life and be thankful that you have eyes to see the ripple. Being grateful in everything- builds resilience and muscle to your spirituality. This enables you to fight back extraordinarily and ride the wave.
Speak Positively
Speak positively and verbalize this well-known proverb during your meditation “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O God” (Proverbs: 19v14). Words are powerful. Don’t speak failure or defeat to your circumstances. You’ll adopt the right mindset in maintaining your spirituality by following these tips.
Learn From Others
Learn from others. Who is considered mature spiritually? We all need fathers/mothers to nurture us throughout our developmental childhood. Similarly, we need others spiritually to grow. In reality, the test of one’s spirituality cannot be fully measured when that individual is alone. They are tested, for example, when another person steps on their toes, crash into their car or is abusive. It’s only when the hot waters hit the tea bags that you know the tea’s strength. Learning from others is a great way to test our spirituality.
Surround Yourself In Nature
Appreciate nature, people, and the universe. This will enable you to see the value of everything- even the smallest and has a purpose in our cosmos. Reflecting on the seasons can be a constant reminder that our circumstances are seasonal, and whatever the weather, your spirituality should be maintained and consistent with your values and beliefs.
Be Open Minded
Be open-minded to new ideas and watch your approach related to people’s views. Stay curious and maintain a teachable spirit. Show willingness to adapt to changes that will enhance your extraordinary journey.
In conclusion, we have highlighted the importance of understanding different viewpoints and practices on spirituality. Still, regardless of your views on the subject, one must continue to grow and develop in this area to have a balanced lifestyle. By explaining the meaning of spirituality, identifying one’s spirituality, and recognizing its benefits, it is hoped that the tips/recommendations given will assist in your quest to pursue your spirituality with more significant meaning.
You should be able to visualize your quiet place for meditation, exercise, prayer, and reading; You will experience the benefits of learning from others and keeping an open mind. Staying focused and positive will increase health and longevity. It’s inevitable. Remaining curious with a positive mindset will catapult you forward into the next level of extraordinary living. That’s what spirituality can achieve. Go for it!