To live an extraordinary life, you have to define your success, commit to your values, and get out of your comfort zone. You must be ready for a transformation which entails recognizing yourself, learning new things, and knowing how to handle success and failure. It’s all about living a full life and chasing your dreams.
Nothing fills the heart like successfully living your life to the fullest. It marks the hallmark of living an extraordinary life. It makes you look back and appreciate your successful journey.
The journey may have different end goals and results for everyone:
● Successful & profitable ventures in an entrepreneurial journey
● Spiritual fulfillment in Nirvana journey
● An outlier in your career path, etc.
But, the game’s rules remain the same, and its characteristics apply to everyone. The article highlights secrets to these rules to allow you to transform from living ordinary to extraordinary.
What is An Extraordinary Life?
We can’t share secrets on how to live an extraordinary life with zero ideas on the meaning of “extraordinary life.”
An extraordinary life has different meanings to different people. Another person’s version of success may be irrelevant to your own. The bottom line is: it is about living to your fullest, achieving yours dreams on your terms and merit.
Living Ordinary vs Extraordinary
The main difference between ordinary and extraordinary living is the “extra.” We all love something extra-a little more pizza toppings; extra bonus-you name it. Simply put:
- Ridgid living based on demands on norms and demands of culture and society
Born > School > Job > Marriage > Die - Reactive – Waiting for things to happen
- Make excuses for every failure and challenges
- Think small, stay local
- Follow ordinary rules but answerable to a bigger calling and vison. It comes with alot of freedom and flexibility.
- Proactive – Make things happen
- Take failures as lessons & focus on solutions
- Think big
There is nothing wrong with living an ordinary life. The majority of people, including myself-in one point of time, have lived for decades following rules. But, it’s strange that some of the creators of the rules belong to a different era. Worse still, some are dead. But, we still follow the rules that may sometimes limit us.
Extraordinary living allows you to change with the times and tap into hidden secrets to help you increase your energy levels. And the best part is; an extra (a little more) can be beneficial.
The Ultimate Advantage – The Secret To An Extraordinary Life
Here are the best-kept secrets that can transform and put an “extra” on your ordinary life.
1. Define Your Success
Do not let other people or culture throw their definition of success on your neck. It’ll weigh you down if it doesn’t strangle you to death.
Modern society and culture paint success as wealth and money. In short, if you aren’t famous or rich, then you’re unsuccessful. There are many people with vast wealth and publicity but living miserable lives. Such a startling unbalance.
Don’t fall into the same imbalance. Define your success. Will a massive social media following grant your fulfillment? Will having multiple assets and property do? Or the trendiest and exclusive designer wear?
No, one can define your success to you. Work towards what it is to you alongside its values.
2. Commit To Your Values Ruthlessly
It’s hard to find people with sound personal principles. Most people with personal principles can easily sacrifice them if they face pressing challenges. As Jonathan Wolfgang Von Goeth states:
“To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult.”
You must be ruthlessly committed to your values despite your challenges. Avoid distractions that may reduce your commitment. It is the only way to secure a rock-solid commitment to your values. Remember, you can not achieve an extraordinary living if you continue breaking your values.
3. Fill Your Daily Routine With Quality Core Tasks
You must focus your efforts on quality tasks that can bring tremendous results to become extraordinary. Anything less like wasting time on mundane tasks will only waste your energy and bland your mind. And the results? Not much!!
Ordinary living requires the least effort. But, playing the extraordinary league demands enormous efforts towards high rewarding tasks.
4. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Detach from your comfort zone and escape the security that holds down the majority. You must pay the price for extraordinary living. Although most can afford it, only a few are willing to pay it. You must turn down low-quality tasks and everything and everyone that wastes your time.
The journey to extraordinary living can be full of pain, discomfort and others may even think you’re stupid or crazy. But to get it, you must forgo your safety and be willing to overcome your fears.
5. Strive For Constant Improvement
There is power in small positive changes. The reverse is also true. James Clear emphasises that the only way to master the art of constant improvement is through small incremental changes.
Seek and accommodate constructive criticism. Carry yourself with the student mentality and learn daily. But learning isn’t enough; apply even the slightest positive lesson for daily improvement. Any small positive and continuous change will transform you from ordinary to extraordinary living.
6. Stay Focused
It’s impossible to notice the wonderful things in your life while you’re preoccupied. It’s critical to improve your focus if you want to achieve your objectives. Focus is the best way to accomplish your goals.
The ability to focus has an impact on every element of your life. You can set objectives for yourself in your relationships, at work, or in your personal life, such as fitness and emotional well-being.
7. Stop Comparing Yourself With Others
There is always someone with more or less than you. Someone will always be better or worse than you at anything you do. You can’t judge yourself based on what others have or do, and if all you think about is what they have or do, you’ll never truly appreciate all of your wonderful blessings. Even if you can’t use your history and future to evaluate your current life, keep your gaze fixed on your piece of paper.
8. Be thankful
Gratitude can help you keep focused on the wonderful things that happen in your daily life. Expressing gratitude leaves you with a good feeling, and it serves as a constant reminder of how remarkable your life is.
9. Take it easy
Right now, you’re living the remarkable life you’ve always wanted. The extraordinary life is waiting with open arms while you are rushing to the finish line, keeping up and making plans. Slow down and take a look around, and appreciate everything that is there in front of you.
10. Appreciate Small Marvels
The extraordinary is not usually found in great gestures, dramatic developments or events. Enjoy the little pleasures of life, such as a breathtaking scenery, a stranger’s smile, or any event that occurs daily. Savor the small pleasures.
How to Transform from Ordinary to Extraordinary
The following steps can help you transform from ordinary to extraordinary.
Recognize Yourself
You must determine what motivates you. What piques your interest? What are your interests and passions? What do you enjoy doing the most?
If you’re unsure, take some time to learn about yourself. Examine what brings you joy, what motivates you to jump out of bed every morning, and what gives you a sense of accomplishment. Concentrate on the things that make you ecstatic.
Invest in Learning New Things
You must focus on enhancing yourself daily if you intend to live an outstanding life. You should learn something new at the end of the year that you didn’t know at the start. In life, the only way to coast is downhill. Continue to be green and growing. Mastering something you didn’t know before is a great way to stretch your intellect.
Handle Success and Failure the Same Way
If you try a lot of things and live an adventurous life, you’ll enjoy both success and failure.
When things are going well, things aren’t as good as you believe they are, and when things are going badly, things are never as awful as you think they are. The capability to evolve through life, and weather the storm, is what sets you apart.
Closing Thoughts
If faced with options on ordinary vs. extraordinary living: most will choose the latter. But, mastering how to live an extraordinary life is costly and needs a personal perspective. You can achieve it through the following tips;
● Define your success
● Attach values to it
● Religiously follow your values
● Declutter and strive for continuous improvement
Go ahead, transform yourself and let’s meet on the other extra side of living.