Thousands, if not millions, of books have been written on money. But some stand out in sharing vital information on how to get yourself out of the financial rat race. Sometimes all it takes is a good read to spur you into action and claim the success you deserve.
We will focus solely on books that share wealth acquisition strategies and what you need to do to live a happy debt-free life.
Among the best books to read to master the game of money are; “Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom” by Tony Robbins, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, and “Unshakeable” by Tony Robbins With Peter Mallouk. These books outline the strategies you can employ to create wealth. Everything is captured, from your mindset to your desire.
This article will focus on books that motivate you to get out of your comfort zone if you desire to succeed and build wealth.
Books that Can Help You Master the Game of Money
Let’s look at books that can propel you to financial freedom.
- Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom by Tony Robbins
The renowned author shares how you can be a master of money through the following tips.
Become Aware of the Ultimate Power
Money is often considered the ultimate power. However, this is an untrue assumption. Money has no inherent power; it only has the power you give it.
Your ability to focus and the mood you place yourself in are your ultimate powers. You can embrace powerful attitudes like “I deserve to make money” or “I will utilize the money I make to make a positive effect on the world” once you’ve reached your peak state.
Wealth is 80% Psychology
Most people blame the lack of resources when asked why they cannot make money. However, as Tony points out in the “Money Master the Game” book, mechanics account for only 20% of the money game, while psychology accounts for the other 80%.
You’ll find methods to sabotage yourself if you believe you can’t conquer the money game. Wealthy people perceive failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, turning hurdles into possibilities. You may get out of your way and achieve financial success by focusing on your abilities and adopting an abundant mindset.
Improve Financial Literacy
Another typical stumbling block is the assumption that you’re not smart enough to deal with all the figures and fresh information required to become a money master.
It may feel like you’re learning a new language, yet financial documents must be read, and common vocabulary must be learned. Even if you want to use a financial counselor, you should become financially literate to participate in key choices.
Set Objectives
Financial independence is essential for everybody who wishes to live a happy life. However, financial independence isn’t a specific, attainable aim in and of itself. You must create a comprehensive action plan to master your money properly.
To begin, ask yourself what’s your ultimate goal. Then consider why you desire it. It’s critical to link your objectives to your mission. Finally, create smaller, quantifiable SMART goals that will assist you in achieving your larger goal. If you keep track of and appreciate your progress, you’re on your way.
Apply the Attraction Law
Did you know that you can use the law of attraction to attract everything you want in life, even financial mastery? The law of attraction states that you attract what you focus on.
You can attract positivity and achieve your goals if you concentrate on what you actually want and approach life optimistically. One of the most effective methods to do this is to harness the power of proximity: associate yourself with great people and emulate their behavior.
Be the Author of Your Own Story
If you master money, you’ll also be able to master your life. You are the creator of your life rather than a manager of your life’s circumstances. You’ll know you’re in charge when you see life as occurring for you rather than to you.
Furthermore, you can begin to turn failures into victories and alter your reactions to situations such that they always work in your favor. You can build a hunger as the creator of your life that destroys the fear of failure and pushes you to go out and achieve your aspirations.
For those wondering what happened to the Tony Robbins money master the game app, unfortunately, the Money Master the Game and Wealth Calculator apps are no longer supported.
- Unshakeable by Tony Robbins With Peter Mallouk
Simply put, Tony Robbins’ approach to basic investment is “Unshakeable”. He demonstrates how to acquire financial security and freedom. Compound interest, index funds, and diversification are among the smart investment tools you’ll learn about in this book. You’ll also learn how to avoid losing your money due to anxiety and fees.
Tony explains further by saying, It’s not just a financial issue. It’s a mental state. You have unwavering confidence even amid a storm when you’re truly unshakeable.
It’s not that you’re unaffected by anything. We’re all susceptible to becoming addicted. You don’t, however, stay there. Nothing can keep you awake for long periods. This mindset empowers you to be a leader rather than a follower. To be a chess player rather than a chess piece.
Unshakeable shows you how the masters of the financial world like Ray Dalio, Boone Pickens, David Swensen, and Warren Buffett benefit by anticipating the winter as opposed to reacting to it.
Section 2 of the book aptly captures the four principles that should guide every investment decision you make.
The principles are as follows;
Don’t lose – The most successful investors are obsessive about avoiding losses because they recognize a simple but important truth; the more money you lose, the more difficult it is to recover.
Risk/Reward is asymmetric – To get huge rewards, you have to take big risks. The smartest investors aren’t fooled by the idea of high-risk, high-reward investments. Instead, they look for investment opportunities with asymmetric risk/reward, which is a polite way of saying the benefits should much outweigh the hazards.
Efficient taxation – If you’re not diligent, taxes can quickly wipe off 30% or more of your investment gains. However, mutual fund providers prefer to brag about their pretax returns, disguising the fact that only one figure matters: the net amount you get to retain.
- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
“Think And Grow Rich,” written back in 1937 following 25 years of study of some of the world’s wealthiest people, is one of the widely recognized personal development classics. The philosophy of the book is based on the belief that success may be achieved via mental vision and imagination.
Lessons that we can learn from the book include;
Thoughts have power – Hill argues in the opening paragraph that thinking, rather than money, education, or specialized understanding about something, is more conducive to success. The man who “believes” he can do anything has already taken a step toward the finish line. Hill further defines thinking as a combination of initiative, faith, resolve, and resilience.
Desire – He says when you want something, you will do whatever it takes to achieve it. Desire is what brings thoughts and actions together.
Final Thoughts
All these books have one thing in common: To succeed in life and become wealthy, you have to master the game of money, which involves changing your way of thinking, taking calculated risks, and being the author of your own life’s story.