We can all achieve a healthier lifestyle. Minor changes and improvements can be made in everyone’s life if we take the time to analyze our current lifestyles and then make small positive changes.
Continuous improvement of your lifestyle requires daily reflection and dedication but is 100% worthwhile. You can start by investigating your life’s core areas: your mental well-being, body weight, exercise, sleep, and how often you socialize.
You should aim to build a picture of your current lifestyle, take a step back, and objectively look at how you can improve each area. For example, you may discover you socialize with friends and family once every two weeks; your sleep pattern is irregular, and you don’t exercise as much as you should. Understanding your current lifestyle and behavioral habits is the starting point to living a healthier lifestyle.
Doing something that makes you happy and gives you a good feeling is part of a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy body weight, exercising, getting enough sleep, and watching your diet are things you can do to live a healthier lifestyle. The important thing to note is that you can influence your lifestyle and health.
Consider the tips below regarding how to live a healthy lifestyle.
Mental Wellbeing
We can do small things to improve our mental health and wellbeing. Being physically active, learning new skills, giving to others, and being mindful of others are some of the healthy lifestyle examples or habits you should adopt today; all play a part in maintaining or improving our mental health. If you have found one of the above missing, consider including it in your day-to-day lifestyle. We all have a mental state that needs to be looked after.
Body Weight
Maintaining a healthy body weight can be difficult for some of us. Results from the 2019 national health survey in England revealed that 28% of adults are obese, and a further 36.2% are overweight but not classed as obese.
The potential health implications are huge if your weight is not healthy. If you’re unsure if your current weight is healthy, start by calculating your BMI (Body Mass Index). This will give you an understanding if your current weight is healthy relative to your height. If you find yourself over or underweight, try to change going forward.
Exercising once or twice per week can reduce the chance of heart disease or stroke. Your body uses major muscle groups that you should strengthen; your legs, hips, abdominals, back, chest, shoulders, and arms.
If your lifestyle lacks sufficient exercise, try to make a change going forwards, it can be as simple as starting to walk a set distance each day and building upwards. Moderate aerobic activity will raise the heart rate, make you breathe faster, and feel warm. Regular physical activity will improve your lifestyle.
Keeping track of how much sleep you get each day is essential. Sleep allows our bodies to heal and our minds to recharge. If your self-analysis reveals you get less than the recommended 7 to 8 hours per day, this can significantly affect your daily energy levels. If you’re spending the day longing for a nap, it is likely that you’re not getting enough sleep.
Small changes can make significant differences. Try sleeping in the evening 15 minutes earlier each day and waking up 5 minutes later the following day. This may not seem like much, but a combined extra 20 minutes is a lot adding up to two and a half hours of extra sleep per week.
Socializing plays an essential factor in anyone’s lifestyle. Engaging with others stimulates confidence and self-esteem, increases the quality of life, and helps sharpen memory and cognitive skills.
If you feel you should be socializing more often, you probably should be. It’s recommended-on average; we should be associating with friends or family at least one to two times per week.
There are many ways to socialize; video and audio calls, online gaming, community groups, sports clubs, and in-person are the most common. Socializing in person will help build character and confidence, help you read body language, and be comfortable around others.
You should keep your diet in check by;
Avoiding processed meals – Processed foods are not suitable for your health. Processed foods lose most of their nutritious value, and the added preservatives are bad for human health. These foods are high in sodium, which can cause elevated blood pressure and heart diseases.
Avoiding trigger foods – These are foods that you can’t stop eating after just one bite. Chocolate, candy bars, chips, cookies, or anything with high quantities of refined sugar, salt, fat, or flour are common trigger foods.
Preparing your dishes – You have complete control over what goes into your meals when you cook them yourself. This makes it easy for you to make the best decisions for your health.
Drink Enough Water
Water is required for performing body activities, eliminating waste, and delivering nutrients and oxygen throughout your systems. You must constantly replenish the water in your body because it is expelled daily through urination, perspiration, bowel movements, and breathing. Several circumstances determine your daily water requirement, but an adult requires about three liters each day.
Bottom Line
It’s important to understand where and how to improve different areas of your life and then make necessary changes to each. Minor changes will lead to a healthier lifestyle over time. Take charge of your life and embrace a healthy lifestyle while enjoying life.